Set Control Window Appearance

ImagXpress® as an ActiveX Object

The ImagXpress control window serves as the image viewer. (To enable multiple views of an image within a project, load multiple ImagXpress controls.)

When using ImagXpress as an ActiveX object, the stock ActiveX control properties provide the user with the ability to define the window appearance.  

ImagXpress as a COM Object

When using ImagXpress as a COM object or when using the ImagXpress ActiveX control in a container that does not support the stock properties, the window appearance can be defined using ImagXpress:

  1. Create an ImagXpress control window, by calling CreateCtlWindow. The hWnd property will now specify the window handle of the ImagXpress control.
  2. Set window characteristics as follows:

    3.  When destroying the ImagXpress control, call DestroyCtlWindow to free up the window. 

See Also



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